5 Needs of An Adult Boston Terrier

Time flies so fast and you may have just realized that the small pup you brought home some time ago is now an adult Boston Terrier. Watching them grow is a precious thing, isn’t it?

You will experience many transitions and differences as they advance from one stage to another, and before you know it, they have already reached adulthood.

That’s when they’ll stop physically growing and they will settle into a grown-up personality.

Now that you have a Boston Terrier in your care, you might be wondering about their needs. Will it be the same as what you have provided them when they were just puppies? Or will you also need to buy some new stuff in order to keep up with their maturity and temperament?

Before we proceed to that, let’s get to know first the different stages of your Boston Terrier’s life so that you will see the transitions that happen to them and understand why they have certain needs on different stages.

Boston Terrier Growth Stages

Because Boston Terriers belong to the list of small breed dogs, they will reach adulthood quicker than the large breeds. Just like other dogs, they will go through physical and emotional changes. These are the 5 stages that they must go through:

The neonatal stage (Birth to two weeks)

Puppies are not usually taken from their mothers this early. If you only bought or adopted them, then you may not have witnessed this stage of their life.

You’re not missing anything though because all they did was sleep and eat (which they pretty much still do up to this day). They can barely crawl and can’t move far.

The transitional stage (Two to four weeks)

This is when their sense of smell and hearing will develop, and they will be able to open their eyes as well. Their behavior is developed by their mom and littermates. Their teeth will now also begin to appear.

The socialization stage (Three to twelve weeks)

Now, this is the stage when most fur parents usually meet their Boston Terriers.

This is a crucial period because it determines how they will react to the situations around them for the next stages of their lives.

They should be exposed to people, animals, different environments, some alone times, and noises. Boston Terrier training is also a must in this stage as it will really help them be more socialized in the future.

The Ranking Stage (3 to 6 Months)

During this stage, your pup will look up to you and you will be their main influencer, so spending quality time and giving them positive reinforcement is important.

They will also start chewing almost anything as their adult teeth will be coming out.

The Adolescence Stage (6 to 18 Months)

The adolescence stage is the last step that your dog will be in before it fully becomes an adult Boston Terrier.

In 6-9 months, they will reach sexual maturity, and the male ones will be most fertile when they reach 12-15 months.

Between 12-14 months, you will already have an adult Boston Terrier and a whole new adventure begins.


Just like how you have provided and cared for them when they are still puppies, your adult Boston Terrier also needs to be pampered still.

It should not be to the point that you are overexerting effort even though it’s not on the budget anymore.

As long as you are meeting your dog’s welfare needs according to The Animal Welfare Act 2006, you are doing it right.

According to The People's Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA), you must provide the following welfare needs of your dog:

· Health

· Behavior

· Companionship

· Diet

· Environment

Of course, as you have already raised your dog to an adult now, you have already given them those things.

But then, you are raising adult Boston Terriers now, and knowing the different stages, there will be some changes in every welfare needs that should be given to your pooch.

So, let’s talk about them one by one.


Boston Terrier raisers would know that these dogs are prone to certain health issues that come with the structure of their face.

There are some issues that your dog may face while they are still puppies, but it will get even more serious as they become adults.

As they get older, they are more prone to Cataracts and Glaucoma, and also more effects of Brachycephalic Syndrome.

It is more important now more than ever to prevent these things by going to a regular check-up at the Vet. You must realize the importance of early diagnosis.

It’s also vital that you find a veterinarian that shares your values when taking care of your Boston as there are allopathic/traditional practitioners, holistic veterinarians, and integrative veterinarians.

You are the one in charge to choose the treatment approach for your pet so you better pick wisely.


Even though they are now mature dogs, that does not mean that they do not need to be trained anymore. Boston Terrier training should be done as early as their socialization phase and this will be great for their growth!

There were some time restrictions for your puppies before because their joints and muscles are still growing, but now that they are adults, they will have higher energy levels so they would need more routine.

You should let your adult Boston terrier have a daily walk of 30 minutes, and you may now allow them to play a high-intensity game like fetch or tug.

A short training session will also be good to continually improve their behavior

These activities will keep them physically and mentally healthy and it will even prevent boredom and anxiety.

Remember that exercise and activities should not only happen outdoors. If you are unable to go out, burn out that energy of theirs by giving them games and toys.

However, if you just find it extremely difficult to get them to follow you, why not try this Boston Terrier training program that doesn't need force and other extreme tricks to train them?


They are bred to be companion dogs so it is also a given that they would love to interact with their owners.

Yes, you can leave your adult Boston Terriers alone but only for 4-8 hours at most. They would love to be always by the side of their humans, and they will not do well if they are left on their own with minimal contact.

Having a Boston terrier means that you will have a pet that must be involved in your daily life.

If you really need to leave them in the house by themselves, you must ensure that they have interactive toys, or let them exercise before you leave.

You might also want to go extra and install cameras to monitor them. It will be for your peace of mind and their safety as well.

If possible, ask a family member to check on them even just for some minutes because the sight of someone familiar to them will make them happy.


As they grow older, there are some changes that should be made in the diet of your Boston terrier.

Their age, size, metabolism, and activity level must be considered when determining the right amount of food that must be given to them.

Your pooch needs a balanced dietfilled with all the nutrients in order to keep them healthy.

They should be a mix of protein, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Generally, the puppies should eat three to four meals while your adult Boston will only need two meals per day.

There are five types of food that you can give them now.

In the commercial category, it may be kibble, canned, or semi-moist; while if it’s homemade, they may have it cooked or raw.


Your dog is now a little bit bigger and taller so you would also need to expand their space.

They should be provided with a safe zone that they can access anytime. The bed that they had when they were puppies may be too small now so you might need to make them a new one.

Also, provide them with a blanket that will help them to keep warm.

They are also hyper dogs, so it is your responsibility to keep your house dog-friendly.

Identify the possible hazards in the house and try to keep the dangerous things far from their reach.

Check your kitchen, bathroom, and living room for the things that they may chew.

Hide all the cables and keep your garbage bins closed. If you have some chemicals in the house, make sure that they are hidden.

Once you have checked all these things and have provided them for your dog, you will have nothing more to worry about.

It is all that an adult Boston Terrier may need, and your dog will surely be grateful and lucky to have you as their fur-parent.

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